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  • Writer's pictureNicola McCabe

Celebrating Mother's Day on March 27th 2022

This year Mother's Day - or Mothering Sunday to give it it's real name - falls on Sunday 27th March, the fourth Sunday in Lent. So actually in the United Kingdom, Jersey, Guernsey and Ireland it's based around a Christian event where people used to pay their respects to the Mother Church, not just their lovely Mums.

Different dates around the world

I've always assumed that Mother's Day was celebrated in most other countries in the world on the same date. But actually Nigeria is the only other country that shares Mother's Day with the UK. My cards and presents always arrive in March because my children still live in the UK. Whilst here in France "Fête des Mères" falls on the last Sunday in May (except when Pentecost falls on that day, then it's moved to the first Sunday in June). Who would have thought that a simple day to celebrate mothers, stepmothers - and let's not forget mother-in-laws - could be so complicated?

Mothering Sunday

The tradition of Mothering Sunday goes back to the Middle Ages when people returned to the church where they had been baptised. Nowadays people are more likely to be taking Mum out for Afternoon Tea or cooking them a roast dinner. Mother's Day has definitely become more commercialised over the years. But if we need a little prompt once a year to show our Mums how much we care, then I'm all for it. I just wish my Mum was still here so I could give her a big hug and tell her how much I love her.

What to do this Mother's Day

An important part of Mother's Day is obviously the giving of cards and gifts, such as a special cake, a bouquet of flowers or a box of chocolates. If they are very lucky, they might even get treated to a day out at a luxury spa and a champagne lunch (hint, hint).

If your Mum is extra special then why not buy her one of our divine Burford Deluxe hot tubs? Then every time she steps into her luxurious personal home spa she will think of you, her wonderfully kind and thoughtful son or daughter. The added bonus of course is that you will be able to use it whenever you go and visit.

The other thing you need to know is that Sunday 27th March is also International Whisk(e)y Day. So the most obvious way to celebrate this special day is to either have a shot of your favourite whiskey or to try a new one! And if your Mum loves a wee dram then that's her Mother's Day present wrapped up as well.

Upcoming events

The other important date that's coming up is our next Hot Tubs On Tour event on Saturday 2nd April at La Libellule Gites in the Dordogne. A very special occasion at a stunning location. If you are in the area and fancy popping over to see us then it would be great to see you there. The Burford Deluxe will be on display and you can ask us all about it. Better still, you can chat with Carole and George and find out from them how having a hot tub has been good for business (and for them!)

Please get in touch to let me know whether you will be coming morning or afternoon so that you are guaranteed our undivided attention - and a glass of beer, fizz or a soft drink - while we chat about the benefits of owning an eco-friendly wood-burning hot tub. Happy Hot Tubbing!

To contact Hot Tubs In France, call direct on 07 49 19 46 84.


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